a - Á. Pérez pinch hit for A. Crus in the 5th
b - F. Cruz pinch hit for A. Alejándrez in the 5th
c - R. Oliver substituted for K. Gaines in the 5th
d - J. Evans substituted for R. Malone in the 5th
e - G. Torres substituted for B. Holland in the 5th
f - A. Allen inserted as DH in the 6th
g - A. Martínez pinch hit for R. Guzmán in the 6th
h - R. Miller pinch hit for G. Torres in the 7th
i - J. Muñóz pinch hit for T. Chaney in the 7th
j - R. Spencer substituted for D. Wilkerson in the 7th
Total Bases:
Á. Pérez
T. Chaney
J. Muñóz
R. Oliver
R. Malone
B. Holland
D. Wilkerson
R. Spencer
2-out RBI:
J. Muñóz
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Alejándrez
F. Cruz
A. Martínez
Sac Bunt:
B. Holland
Team LOB:
A. Allen
Double Plays:
4 (Malone-Gaines-Guzmán, Alejándrez-Gaines, Malone-Gaines-Guzmán, Gaines-Malone-Guzmán)
OF assists:
1 (Alejándrez(Pimentel at 2nd base))
a - J. Brandon substituted for R. White in the 5th
b - L. Martínez pinch hit for M. Ramírez in the 5th
c - D. Crowe substituted for J. Anaya in the 6th
d - R. López substituted for R. Walters in the 6th
e - E. Klein pinch hit for E. Rebow in the 6th
f - B. St. John inserted as DH in the 6th
g - Á. Pérez pinch hit for G. Pimentel in the 6th
h - W. Brooks pinch hit for J. Zamora in the 6th
i - O. Colón substituted for R. Allen in the 7th
Total Bases:
M. Ramírez
L. Martínez
R. White
B. St. John
G. Pimentel
Á. Pérez
J. Anaya
D. Crowe
2-out RBI:
D. Crowe
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Crowe
R. White
A. Howard
R. Allen
Hit by Pitch:
B. St. John
Team LOB:
L. Martínez
OF assists:
1 (López(Muñóz at 2nd base))