League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
FR | AP : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Mauricio Alvarez 2017-2025 780 1891 200 480 119 31 25 208 9 7 104 391 .254 .300 .389 .690
Alexander Bailey 2017-2017 5 3 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 .667 .667 .667 1.333
Lindsey Ball 2017-2026 612 1449 159 371 83 9 16 161 1 1 96 272 .256 .305 .359 .664
Albert Barnhouse 2017-2030 1371 3428 438 1039 197 12 59 431 55 9 212 662 .303 .349 .419 .769
Vinny Barrios 2017-2019 200 454 46 103 36 1 11 45 0 0 21 116 .227 .260 .383 .644
Anthony Bence 2017-2019 81 82 21 30 4 2 3 15 1 2 4 16 .366 .409 .573 .982
Cameron Boris 2017-2017 25 39 1 4 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 7 .103 .125 .128 .253
Richard Bradford 2017-2033 2162 7811 1168 2041 430 76 368 1339 14 18 844 1787 .261 .336 .477 .813
Jose Chaparro 2017-2030 2087 7838 1297 2285 417 82 343 1216 284 182 844 1052 .292 .363 .497 .860
Pruden Chavez 2017-2035 2700 9791 1541 2822 513 39 388 1371 121 41 1257 2266 .288 .371 .467 .839
Rico Ciles 2017-2019 289 1128 148 327 61 4 12 113 0 0 78 174 .290 .335 .383 .718
Bill Craig 2017-2030 1628 5460 804 1405 298 12 246 877 5 2 753 1450 .257 .349 .451 .801
Rafael Cuadrado 2017-2022 138 299 29 80 18 1 0 22 3 2 13 53 .268 .298 .334 .633
Gregory Davalos 2017-2024 692 1434 133 382 70 10 19 129 2 1 48 291 .266 .296 .369 .665
Edward Demott 2017-2025 617 47 9 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 15 .106 .176 .128 .304
Richard Deputy 2017-2028 893 1996 242 480 126 8 38 236 1 3 193 507 .240 .308 .369 .677
Kevin Drysdale 2017-2030 1951 7024 915 1784 388 82 241 1014 96 99 460 1322 .254 .305 .436 .740
Richard Fager 2017-2018 98 239 32 48 7 2 7 21 1 0 25 76 .201 .280 .335 .615
Sean Faria 2017-2019 64 155 12 19 4 0 1 10 0 1 6 45 .123 .165 .168 .332
Thomas Gayle 2017-2028 283 631 68 147 28 4 14 84 2 0 24 169 .233 .267 .357 .624
Vidaru Gennai 2017-2025 1172 4043 529 1103 199 19 97 557 6 1 390 838 .273 .339 .403 .743
Sen'Ichirou Gonkuro 2017-2030 1516 4347 516 1295 223 17 107 538 10 10 149 819 .298 .321 .431 .752
George Hans 2017-2027 1214 2748 302 664 110 5 70 360 1 1 223 634 .242 .304 .362 .665
Alan Harvard 2017-2032 2146 7666 1106 1919 423 92 365 1233 297 171 532 1942 .250 .303 .472 .775
Chet Higgins 2017-2031 1964 6723 840 1819 457 25 180 927 7 3 388 1182 .271 .316 .426 .742
Errol Hoey 2017-2025 311 412 83 112 34 3 8 59 18 4 23 58 .272 .313 .427 .740
Charles Howard 2017-2021 442 1098 121 273 72 19 7 93 3 5 59 244 .249 .296 .368 .664
Howard Hughes 2017-2025 514 33 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 11 .091 .118 .091 .209
Justin Kaye 2017-2017 39 73 8 8 0 1 1 6 0 0 4 27 .110 .167 .178 .345
Uli Kunkel 2017-2028 1606 5704 807 1490 281 10 175 691 13 6 771 1141 .261 .350 .406 .756
Santo Labarbera 2017-2027 1262 3321 485 830 236 51 37 304 223 118 303 669 .250 .317 .385 .702
Pedro Lopez 2017-2024 96 102 13 6 0 0 0 2 1 0 4 48 .059 .093 .059 .152
Andres Lozada 2017-2031 988 68 6 8 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 33 .118 .130 .162 .292
Bill Marquez 2017-2017 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Carmelo Martin 2017-2025 381 969 102 244 53 4 16 121 14 4 49 198 .252 .294 .364 .659
John Martucci 2017-2026 770 2018 264 518 88 7 78 276 2 3 168 284 .257 .317 .423 .740
Frank McAteer 2017-2025 1374 5118 788 1474 236 27 217 853 10 6 526 622 .288 .354 .472 .826
Reginald McCullum 2017-2027 320 763 82 196 49 5 4 77 0 2 40 194 .257 .308 .350 .657
Robert Menendez 2017-2028 1328 4156 554 1159 215 36 122 545 42 26 317 858 .279 .330 .436 .766
Jimmy Moore 2017-2026 1091 3053 322 708 168 27 36 324 47 14 228 856 .232 .289 .340 .629
Deangelo Navarro 2017-2027 1029 2783 352 657 168 34 57 326 4 9 253 711 .236 .303 .382 .686
Andre Oxendine 2017-2030 956 2245 264 650 171 9 14 220 55 17 121 438 .290 .326 .392 .718
Carl Preslar 2017-2026 421 682 95 184 28 5 4 60 15 6 48 138 .270 .320 .343 .663
Francisco Regalado 2017-2027 1232 4465 635 1302 284 30 88 543 266 34 308 631 .292 .340 .428 .768
Stanley Rhodes 2017-2028 886 2014 304 447 83 20 54 245 148 63 99 542 .222 .274 .363 .638
Robert Rockett 2017-2028 1696 5967 894 1753 330 27 223 941 59 22 583 1146 .294 .359 .470 .830
Sabino Roxas 2017-2028 1576 5788 827 1597 323 49 117 573 96 51 364 998 .276 .318 .409 .727
Larry Sellers 2017-2034 2569 8335 1103 2060 431 35 301 1148 23 20 1109 1753 .247 .338 .416 .753
Ashley Shannon 2017-2024 411 903 103 203 56 5 20 108 2 2 61 235 .225 .275 .364 .639
Juan Silva 2017-2027 1212 2677 375 804 166 20 54 340 27 16 180 501 .300 .345 .438 .783
Walter Sobchak 2017-2025 1208 4176 594 1073 183 23 131 613 15 12 458 845 .257 .333 .406 .739
Kenny Stotts 2017-2028 1412 5007 565 1385 249 14 82 604 5 2 448 1045 .277 .339 .381 .720
Spencer Su 2017-2021 329 384 43 118 26 2 2 58 0 4 22 38 .307 .344 .401 .745
Yorihiko Taro 2017-2025 312 730 61 217 32 1 9 68 0 1 42 128 .297 .337 .381 .718
Jackie Treehorn 2017-2026 1293 3319 419 859 159 12 84 445 9 11 279 501 .259 .325 .390 .715
Michael Walker 2017-2028 1104 2900 327 814 176 11 39 327 13 1 153 518 .281 .320 .389 .710
Aurelio Aranda 2017-2030 104 58 .642 2.97 1092 42 0 0 70 1540.1 1372 509 104 326 1246
Raul Balbas 2017-2020 15 38 .283 6.28 77 77 1 1 0 375.1 489 262 65 112 264
Harry Bradshaw 2017-2019 10 17 .370 5.14 41 41 2 1 0 233.0 254 133 27 96 167
Javier Colon 2017-2020 10 6 .625 4.74 54 10 0 0 2 127.1 124 67 24 42 96
Reggie Delmas 2017-2027 87 135 .392 5.21 344 308 15 1 0 1897.0 2281 1098 256 387 1171
Cecil Demartini 2017-2028 47 80 .370 5.20 392 167 3 2 8 1118.0 1322 646 114 378 647
Peter Depasquale 2017-2017 1 4 .200 7.80 9 9 0 0 0 42.2 55 37 9 13 35
Jeff Dominick 2017-2028 123 114 .519 4.14 343 336 7 4 0 1960.0 1885 902 271 531 1810
Robert Endres 2017-2018 2 0 1.000 5.24 41 0 0 0 0 46.1 57 27 8 17 32
Anthony Gagnon 2017-2027 78 113 .408 4.87 361 309 1 1 3 1530.2 1562 829 176 599 1493
Samuel Gallego 2017-2032 28 32 .467 4.96 604 1 0 0 100 664.1 686 366 101 278 726
Bradley Gow 2017-2029 122 127 .490 4.26 474 349 10 3 3 2208.0 2163 1044 144 1078 1589
Tony Guasch 2017-2026 31 55 .360 5.02 132 114 5 2 0 689.2 815 385 78 145 356
Richie Hamblen 2017-2025 3 15 .167 6.51 28 27 1 0 0 142.1 196 103 29 51 68
Johnny Hedin 2017-2019 4 8 .333 5.98 92 0 0 0 4 122.0 159 81 15 41 75
Raimundo Hernandez 2017-2027 46 49 .484 4.45 776 0 0 0 27 845.0 706 418 155 381 1130
Calvin Jones 2017-2018 9 13 .409 5.96 27 27 1 0 0 160.0 197 106 21 88 90
Frank Kibler 2017-2024 4 7 .364 5.59 15 13 0 0 0 77.1 94 48 8 40 61
Jose Lazo 2017-2025 91 99 .479 4.14 274 274 14 5 0 1682.1 1669 774 93 722 1218
Jeffrey Lebowski 2017-2037 351 218 .617 3.39 753 744 76 27 0 5167.1 4509 1946 732 715 5774
Mark Lemmon 2017-2024 35 27 .565 3.97 472 0 0 0 14 539.0 424 238 56 321 580
Raymond Lemon 2017-2017 2 1 .667 4.31 42 0 0 0 1 54.1 70 26 7 9 23
Edward Maloof 2017-2030 195 122 .615 3.20 457 454 22 11 0 2933.2 2624 1044 217 567 2910
Steven Martin 2017-2029 174 124 .584 3.74 432 432 10 5 0 2693.2 2631 1120 277 446 2469
Hirondo Masaki 2017-2017 0 1 .000 7.00 8 0 0 0 0 9.0 16 7 2 3 6
James Maselli 2017-2025 24 27 .471 4.74 545 3 0 0 27 586.1 590 309 65 198 467
Robert Molina 2017-2028 127 114 .527 4.26 366 332 19 7 3 2078.0 2026 983 270 695 1817
Robert Mota 2017-2029 40 37 .519 4.32 577 0 0 0 62 591.0 672 284 48 156 358
David Mudd 2014-2017 3 1 .750 5.98 50 0 0 0 1 46.2 62 31 4 15 21
Carlos Olivo 2017-2017 5 8 .385 6.02 26 22 0 0 0 119.2 174 80 3 54 61
Jimmy Osburn 2017-2024 23 48 .324 5.72 161 109 3 1 1 657.1 716 418 76 276 413
Rogelio Peraza 2017-2031 53 51 .510 4.38 923 0 0 0 45 1063.0 1095 517 168 302 964
Edwin Quill 2017-2025 21 44 .323 6.09 201 73 1 1 5 555.2 644 376 82 253 384
Rico Sandoval 2017-2017 1 1 .500 7.45 2 2 0 0 0 9.2 13 8 2 3 5
David Sedillo 2017-2024 49 63 .438 4.51 191 160 2 1 5 916.0 955 459 167 219 826
Timothy Slaven 2014-2019 11 11 .500 5.85 159 0 0 0 3 180.0 208 117 29 87 114
Robert Stodola 2017-2024 4 40 .091 5.48 121 120 0 0 0 366.1 391 223 48 163 257
Patrick Stoltenberg 2017-2020 31 32 .492 4.44 101 95 3 1 0 581.1 633 287 59 221 344
Joshua Stowers 2016-2019 10 13 .435 5.07 146 18 0 0 5 278.2 324 157 46 62 204
Osvaldo Veiga 2017-2035 226 183 .553 3.58 607 599 23 6 0 3910.1 3637 1555 253 642 3576
Stephen Weaver 2017-2017 3 1 .750 5.11 4 4 0 0 0 24.2 27 14 5 10 12
Adan Wolfram 2017-2027 37 38 .493 4.60 745 14 0 0 13 758.2 780 388 72 304 528
Bob Young 2017-2033 213 152 .584 4.13 657 527 7 4 0 3267.0 3370 1501 240 1084 2559
99 Players
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